iOS is about to wear a new shirt.

News from Bloomberg says that iOS 18 will make some changes in user interface design.

iOS is about to wear a new shirt.
News from Bloomberg says that iOS 18 will make some changes in user interface design.

Apple is said to be working on changing the user interface design of the next version of iOS. Many reports suggest that iOS 18 will feature some design elements inspired by VisionOS.

In recent years, iOS updates have mainly focused on fixing operating system bugs and adding new features without changing the interface. Therefore, iOS 18 is expected to be an “attractive” version with many improvements in design and functionality.

Previously, analyst Jeff Pu said that Apple is developing improved artificial intelligence systems. The technology is expected to start being integrated into iPhones and iPads by the end of 2024.

“Apple will combine data processing in the cloud and on user devices. The company has reviewed how it uses and processes personal data to be consistent with its commitment to customer privacy,” Pu added.

In addition, Apple will also incorporate major language models into its virtual assistant Siri. The move is aimed at helping users automate complex tasks through voice control. Apple is expected to announce iOS 18 at the upcoming WWDC 2024 event in June.

According to Bloomberg, Apple will also make design changes to the macOS operating system in 2025 or 2026. The platform last received user interface changes in a 2020 upgrade. macOS is huge. Sur.

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